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2024 Annual General Meeting Report


Monday the 29th of April 2024
14:00-14:40 (JST) 

Ryu Honbu Dojo, Urayasu, Japan
(Also via Zoom) 

Speech from the Chairman of the Board, Kenji Iseda:

For All members of RWAF:
I am Kenji Iseda Chairman of the Board of RWAF.

Thank you for attending the 8th Annual General Meeting of RWAF.


I want to express the aims of RWAF again here.

The RWAF aims to provide an organized structure and global network whereby all member dojo can better co-operate for the development of Aikido in member countries and across borders. ++++++

Last year, we have left from Yoshinkan Honbu Dojo and became the independent Dojo as “Ryu”.
Because of the separation, several Dojo left RWAF and some Dojo newly joined. But as the result, total number of the members remains almost the same.

After Covid 19, the situation came back to the normal little by little.
Last year Ando Sensei visited Brazil and Argentina,
but not so much other activity.

Global activity stays mostly inside SNS.

Now Japanese Yen is very weak unfortunately for Japanese, but for the members outside Japan, it is the best time to visit Japan.
We do hope that many members will visit Japan and experience the real Aikido (spirit and technique)

from Ando Sensei directly.
Of course we are planning also send Ando Sensei to various countries.

RWAF will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2026, and we are planning a major event for our 10th anniversary.
We would very much appreciate your positive participation for the RWAF activity towards 10th anniversary event.

We are expecting all of your support for RWAF activities this year,

Your kind understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated.

Monday April 29th
Ryu Headquarters Dojo Urayasu, Japan


The meeting was attended in person by:

*President Tsuneo Ando

*Chairman of the Board Kenji Iseda

*General Secretary Stephanie Ando

*NPO Aikido Ryu Administration Staff Yosuke Akimoto
 *NPO Aikido Ryu Board Member Lou Roger Bigard

Attendees Online:

*Dojo representatives and members or translation assisstance from Russia; Argentina; Azerbaijan; Kazakhstan; Chile; Colombia



1. Formal Opening by the President: Tsuneo Ando 

Speech from Chairman of the Board: Kenji Iseda 

2. Resolutions:
2.1. 2023-2024 Membership; Event and Financial Report: 

The Secretary presented the current dojo membership and financial report of the RWAF (please see attached dojo and financial report) :

*Total number of students and total number of dojos remains mostly unchanged.
*Dojos that quit and chose to remain with the Yoshinkan are: Germany (1); Iran (1); Brazil (1); Russia (2). Total number of 5. Some other dojos are no longer active for various reasons including COVID (The Netherlands; Canada; South Africa.) But from those dojos, the instructors switched their membership to individual membership so they are still members and hopefully will rejoin as dojos in future.

*New dojos joined from Chile; Colombia; Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic.

*Main activities from the last year were Ando Sensei visiting Brazil and Argentina and the first annual Intensive Youth Training camp in the summer which was attended by 5 students. The RWAF provided a subsidy of ¥5,000 for this. The training camp will be held in August this year and we hope students from RWAF member dojos will attend this year.

*Main expenses were shipping costs for certificates – many of the dojos tested and passed students for shodan and for their instructor licenses which we feel shows the growth of our member dojos.

*Since separating from the Yoshinkan last year we have realised the areas where we need to put more effort and energy into. This includes making sure the website is more regularly updated and contains all the information needed to support member dojos (dan recommendation forms; test syllabi etc.) We have produced and have for sale blank kyu certificates in English for dojos to issue kyu ranks. Shodan and above must be registered with NPO Aikido Ryu and are now listed on the RWAF website. We also need to communicate more strongly about events held in conjunction with the Ryu All Japan Federation. Now that COVID is over; we are hoping that more RWAF members will stay at Ryu Dojo for gasshkus and attend events such as the AGM and seminar in person.
2.2. 2024-2025 Presentation of Budget and Calendar of Upcoming Year: Secretary
2.3. In accordance with Article 4.4.1.a) of the Ryu World Aikido Federation Statutes: Motion to expel member dojos who have not yet submitted their resignation either to the Yoshinkan Honbu Dojo or the Ryu World Aikido Federation and still currently hold membership of both.

*This motion was passed by a majority of the members present.

2.4 Creation of project team to cooperate on organising 10th Anniversary of the RWAF and first Ryu World Aikido Demonstration. 

*Due to time restraints, this motion was not passed but we are looking forward to hosting the First Ryu World Aikido Demonstration in 2026. There was also discussion on the Ryu All Japan Demonstration which will be hosted by the Aikido Soryu on the 4th of November 2024. Application details will be sent out in September and applications should be submitted in October for those planning to attend.

3. Status report from each dojo on current conditions regarding training at their dojos.

5. Decisions on the date and place of the next Annual Assembly.
*The next AGM will be held on Tuesday the 29th of April 2025 together with the instructors seminar and the seminar on the test syllabus techniques.

6. Closing Remarks by the President: Tsuneo Ando


Kagamibiraki: High Rank Dans Issued

The following is a list of the high rank Dans issued at the Kagamibiraki ceremony at Ryu Headquarters Dojo on the 8th of January 2024.

7th Dan:

  • Stephen Ohlman (Canada) Stephen Ohlman also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • Hotta Terumasa (Japan) Hotta Terumasa also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • Mitsuhashi Akira (Japan) Mitsuhashi Akira also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.

6th Dan:

  • Jurij Kerpan (Czechia) Jurij Kerpan also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • Yoshida Mitsunobu (Japan) Yoshida Mitsunobu also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • Hirosei Kouji (Japan) 
  • Murakawa Masahiro (Japan)
  • Katagiri Misato (Japan) Katagiri Misato also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.

5th Dan:

  • Tabata Fumiaki (Japan)
  • Alexandre Mello (Brazil)
  • Dmitry Filyunkin (Russia)
  • Ishikawa Yukio (Japan)
  • Sato Junya (Japan)

EVENT REPORT: 2024 New Year Seminar and Kagamibiraki

The Ryu 2024 New Year Seminar and Kagamibiraki were held in Urayasu on Monday the 8th of January.
Now that the pandemic is over, these events are back to being regular events on the Ryu calendar. The seminar, the kagamibiraki and the new year party are co-hosted by the Ryu All Japan Aikido Federation and NPO Aikido Ryu but are also open to all RWAF dojo representatives and members. We hope that in future more RWAF dojos will participate, with greater cooperation between the RJAF and the RWAF.

Over 70 students from Ryu-affiliated dojos around Japan attended training at Chuo Budokan. The theme of the seminar was working on releasing all the strength in the upper body and focusing power in the center. Through various basic techniques, students practised performing all movements from the center and a strong, stable lower body. It was a great morning of training, getting everyone energised for the year ahead!

After the seminar, students changed and headed to Ryu Headquarters Dojo for the Kagamibiraki ceremony and New Year party.  The Kagamibiraki was attended by over 80 people, including students and their friends and families. The ceremony started with new year greetings and a demonstration by Ando Shihan. This was followed by the presentation of high rank dan certificates.

Those who received certificates were:

  • 7th Dan – Stephen Ohlman (Canada.) Stephen Ohlman also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • 7th Dan – Hotta Terumasa (Japan.) Hotta Terumasa also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • 7th Dan – Mitsuhashi Akira (Japan.) Mitsuhashi Akira also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • 6th Dan – Jurij Kerpan (Czechia.) Jurij Kerpan also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • 6th Dan – Yoshida Mitsunobu (Japan.) Yoshida Mitsunobu also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • 6th Dan – Hirosei Kouji (Japan.) 
  • 6th Dan – Murakawa Masahiro (Japan.)
  • 6th Dan – Katagiri Misato (Japan.) Katagiri Misato also received the official title of Shihan in Aikido.
  • 5th Dan – Tabata Fumiaki (Japan.)
  • 5th Dan – Alexandre Mello (Brazil.)
  • 5th Dan – Dmitry Filyunkin (Russia.)
  • 5th Dan – Ishikawa Yukio (Japan.)
  • 5th Dan – Sato Junya (Japan.)


Watch the Kagamibiraki ceremony LIVE stream on YouTube:


After the presentation of the certificates, a New Year party was held. Students and instructors from Ryu-affiliate dojos around the country had the rare opportunity to relax and chat.  Representatives from Ryu-affiliate dojos also had the chance to give brief reports on the activities of their dojos over the previous year and their plans for the year ahead.

Thank you again to everyone who attended the seminar and the Kagamibiraki.  Wishing everyone a great year ahead!

Ando Shihan South American Seminar

In November, Ando Shihan made his first trip teaching outside Japan since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. The seminars in Argentina and Brazil were hosted by Ryu World Aikido Federation member dojos Gin Ryu Kan and NCC Country Club Haku Ryu Kan and were financially subsidised by the Ryu World Aikido Federation.  

Gin Ryu Kan, Buenos Aires, Argentina:

Ando Shihan arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on November 10.
Between November 11 and 12, he taught a total of 8 classes at the Gin Ryu Kan Dojo, for more than 60 students from different dojos and schools.
Students from different cities in Argentina, Chile, Venezuela and Kazakhstan participated.
He also tested two students for the 3rd dan degree and one for the 4th dan degree.

Nippon Country Club Haku Ryu Kan, São Paolo, Brazil

On November 13 Ando Shihan traveled to the city of São Paulo, Brazil.
There he taught classes until November 18, for more than 70 participants.  Students from Brazil, Argentina, Scotland, Kazakhstan, Venezuela, Chile, Paraguay and Colombia participated in his classes at the Haku Ryu Kan Dojo of the Nippon Country Club.
He also tested three students for the 3rd degree and one for the 5th dan degree.


During his time in São Paulo, Ando Sensei also had then opportunity to tour and observe the beautiful facilities of the Nippon Country Club.  He was also able to participate in various traditional Japanese cultural activities such as wadaiko and observe traditional Japanese dancing performed by the NCC members. 
He was also hosted for some sightseeing outside in the countryside surrounding São Paulo and appreciate the historical links between Brazil and Japan.

Congratulations to everyone who tested and passed their tests! 

Also a big thank you to everyone who attended the seminar – some people travelling from very far away spending several days on a bus to be there!

And of course, thank you to Marcio Welb Sensei and all the students at the Haku Ryu Kan and to Fernando Martinez Sensei and students at the Gin Ryu Kan for hosting and taking such good care of Ando Sensei during his trip.